Effect of environmental salinity on sea lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis settlement success

TitleEffect of environmental salinity on sea lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis settlement success
AuthorsBricknell IR, Dalesman SJ, O'Shea B, Pert CC, Luntz AJ
TypeComparative Study
Media TitleDiseases of aquatic organisms
CitationBricknell IR, Dalesman SJ, O'Shea B, Pert CC, Luntz AJ. Effect of environmental salinity on sea lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis settlement success. Diseases of aquatic organisms. 2006 Aug 30; 71(3):201-12.


The sea louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer, 1837) (Copepoda: Caligidae) is an ectoparasite of salmonid fish. It has earlier been proposed that the free-swimming infectious copepodid stage of L. salmonis gather at river mouths to infect wild Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. and sea trout S. trutta L. smolts during their seaward migration. This study used aquarium-based methods to investigate the survival, infective ability and behaviour of L. salmonis copepodids exposed to short periods of low salinity levels, such as those encountered at river mouths. Survival of free-swimming copepodids was found to be severely compromised at salinity levels below 29 parts per thousand (ppt). Attachment to an S. salar host did not aid copepodid survival during post-infection exposure to low salinity environment, and a reduction in salinity appears to reduce the ability of copepodids to remain attached to S. salar smolts. Pre-infection exposure of copepodids to reduced salinity levels reduced infection of S. salar. Infection levels at reduced salinity were lower than predicted from the free-swimming survival experiment, suggesting that low salinity compromises the copepodids' ability to sense or respond to the presence of a host. In salinity gradients, copepodids demonstrated avoidance of salinities below 27 ppt, by both altering their swimming behaviour and changing the orientation of passive sinking. Avoidance of low salinity levels may be due to their adverse effects on copepodid physiology, as suggested by the reduction in survival. Sinking rates were also faster in reduced salinity, suggesting that remaining in the water column would be more energetically demanding for the copepodids at reduced salinity. These results show that both survival and host infectivity of L. salmonis are severely compromised by short-term exposure to reduced salinity levels.

Author Details
Additional information about authors:
1Ian R Bricknell
2Sarah J Dalesman
3Bríd O'Shea
4Campbell C Pert
5A Jennifer Mordue Luntz
Additional details for this publication include:
Property NameValue
Publication ModelPrint
Publication Date2006 Aug 30
Journal AbbreviationDis. Aquat. Org.
Language Abbreng
Publication TypeComparative Study
Journal CountryGermany
Publication TypeJournal Article
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