Michael Dondrup's blog

Downtime announcement and service retirement note

LiceBase will be retired starting 5.1.2025

LiceBase has been in continous operation since 2016. Unfortunetely, I have to retire LiceBase on January 5. 2025 due to technical and security reasons.
On that date, the current service will be retired and the URL licebase.org will become inaccessible. See below for a more detailed explanation.
I am working on the new version likely called LiceBase2 to be available at the same URL which is going to replace LiceBase and will be released in early 2025. However, a downtime will be inevitable.

Atlantic salmon louse genome removed from Ensembl Metazoa

The Atlantic salmon louse genome assembly (LSalAtl2s) has unfortunately been retired from Ensembl Metazoa Release 57. We think this is a slightly unfortunate decision because 1. Many are still using the LSalAtl2s assembly and the genes, as it has been around for over ten year 2. The Atlantic and Pacific versions of the genome belong to distinct sub-species.


LiceBase folks will be present at Sea Lice Conference International 2022 in Tórshavn in the Faroe Islands. We are looking forward to four days of exciting presentations on sea Lice Biology, genetics and genomics, medicinal and non-medicinal treatments, modeling, and many more. The Sea Lice Conference is an excellent venue to meet a vibrant research community and engage in discussion with top of the field researchers.

The Earth BioGenome Project Norway is Hiring

At the Department of Informatics, University of Bergen, Norway, there is a vacancy for a postdoctoral research fellow position within Informatics – Bioinformatics.

The position is for a fixed term of 4 years and is connected to the project Earth Biogenome Project Norge (EBP-Nor, A Norwegian BioGenome initiative: the initial Launch phase), financed by the Research Council of Norway.

New insights into genome evolution and parasitism - the salmon louse genome delivers

We are happy to announce that we have finally published a peer-reviewed research paper describing the Atlantic salmon louse genome in Genomics.
Even though copepods have many ecological roles and interest is on the rise, they are still not that well-represented in genome databases. The same is true for parasites, especially the marine species. The LSalAtl2s assembly has a size of 695.4 Mbp (million base pairs of DNA) and we have annotated 13,081 protein-coding genes.

Immune modulation by the salmon louse - time to shift targets