[NEWS] RNA-seq data added

The new RNA-sequencing data covering various organs and copepodid stages have been added to the genome browser. You can activate them under Select Tracks -> Reads. The new tracks are marked with (HBR-1) to (HBR-10). Click on the [?] behind the track name to get more information about the content.

All reads provided by FASTERIS are single-end sequences from Illumina HiSeq, using a strand specific RNA-seq protocol (total RNA protocol, TruSeq v.2, with polyA selection). All libraries are un-normalized except for HBR-4N. 

Reads were adapter trimmed using TRIMMOMATIC for the adpater sequences provided by the sequencing lab. Reads were aligned to the reference genome assembly (LSalAtl2s) using the STAR spliced alignment software.