Where art thou louse? A snapshot of attachment location preferences in salmon lice on Atlantic salmon hosts in sea cages

TitleWhere art thou louse? A snapshot of attachment location preferences in salmon lice on Atlantic salmon hosts in sea cages
AuthorsBui S, Oppedal F, Nola V, Barrett LT
TypeJournal Article
Journal NameJournal of fish diseases
CitationBui S, Oppedal F, Nola V, Barrett LT. Where art thou louse? A snapshot of attachment location preferences in salmon lice on Atlantic salmon hosts in sea cages. Journal of fish diseases. 2020 Apr 22.


Problematic sea lice infestations on farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) have motivated extensive research and development into new methods to prevent, monitor and control sea lice. Most of these technologies require detailed information on the behaviour, spatial distribution and demography of lice on host fish. This study investigated how salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) infestation density varies across the host's surface under sea cage farming conditions. Lice abundance, demography and attachment location were tracked over time, with repeated sampling of 300 individually tagged salmon across three replicate experimental sea cages. The data reveal clear differences in attachment locations according to sex and stage, but with an overall preference for the dorsal surface among mobile stages-dorsal head for adult females and dorsal-posterior section for males and pre-adults. Total lice abundance was highly variable between repeated measures of individual fish, consistent with frequent host-switching or mortality. Total lice numbers also declined between sampling dates, likely due to handling, with lost mobile lice being almost exclusively adult males. As the distribution of sea lice on hosts is likely determined by numerous factors, future image-based automated detection systems should be validated in settings that reflect the complex host-parasite interactions that occur in open farming systems.

Author Details
Additional information about authors:
1Samantha Bui
2Frode Oppedal
3Velimir Nola
4Luke T Barrett
Additional details for this publication include:
Property NameValue
Publication ModelPrint-Electronic
Publication Date2020 Apr 22
Journal AbbreviationJ. Fish Dis.
Copyright© 2020 The Authors. Journal of Fish Diseases published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Language Abbreng
Publication TypeJournal Article
Journal CountryEngland
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