Sussie Dalvin's blog

Gene Ontology analysis of term enrichment for specific gene-sets

How do I use this, I get through to the revigo site and then what ??? Say I want to look at the group of genes that are enriched in legs versus the rest of the animal ?

Gene Ontology analysis of term enrichment for specific gene-sets:

All developmental stages vs. previous stage
All tissue specifc samples vs. all other tissues
Several interesting contrasts

CPY 185

Vi må ha en stable ID til CPY185 slik at vi kan legge inn nye forsøk og editere dee gamle

Error message: about incorrect target ID in edit RNAi

Hei ,

prøver å oppdatere basen men får feilmelding om at dette ikke er en riktig target id EMLSAP00000008531

trying to update my experiment but I am getting an error that EMLSAP00000008531 is not a correct Target ID.

  • Primary target ID: found no valid post with that title.

If you see this message, most likely the Target ID was not valid. A full Target ID looks like this:

problem when editing

when I reopen a file that I have created earlier (to correct a spelling mistake), the developmental stage is erased (maybe also other fields but this is the one I have noticed)




Når jeg legger inn et nytt RNAi forsøk ville det være kjekt om jeg ikke trenger å legge alle 10 inn med samme start dato, samme stadier etc etc. En enkel løsning er kanskje om der var mulighet for å kopiere en annen entry. Alternativt om du kan lage en batch funksjon


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