Error message: about incorrect target ID in edit RNAi

Hei ,

prøver å oppdatere basen men får feilmelding om at dette ikke er en riktig target id EMLSAP00000008531

trying to update my experiment but I am getting an error that EMLSAP00000008531 is not a correct Target ID.

  • Primary target ID: found no valid post with that title.

If you see this message, most likely the Target ID was not valid. A full Target ID looks like this:

EMLSAT00000008531, EMLSAT00000008531-704378 (mRNA) Lepeophtheirus salmonis [nid:728094]

Target IDs are entered using an autocomplete field (shown by the little circle on the right) as depicted below. It is mandatory to chose one of the options provided by the autocomplete menu that appears below the text box. What happended is most likely that you copy-pasted the GeneID and pressed save, however that will not yield a valid title. Both typing and pasting into the field should trigger the auto-completion, if it is not triggered by pasting content, try to type or delete the last character and choose one option with the mouse pointer.

Please note also that Transcripts (EMLSAT) or Gene-features (EMLSAG) should be used as targets, not proteins (EMLSAP).