[Taxonomic structure of Orthomyxoviridae: current views and immediate prospects]
Abstract Analysis of taxonomic structure of Orthomyxoviridae was undertaken in view of its anticipated evolution. Four concepts of circulation of influenza A viruses in the biosphere are discussed, viz. anthrponose, zooanthroponose, metastrongilose, and protozoan. All of them may be considered in the framework of the general zooantroponose concept. Influenza B and C viruses can not be regarded as strictly anthroponose. Comparative molecular-genetic analysis of the genus Thogotovirus provides a basis for the designation of Thogoto and Batken-Dhori as independent geni. It is speculated that t he proof of transmission of Isaviruses by copepods Caligus elongates and Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Crustacea: Copepoda) may open up a new line of developments in arborvirology since crustacean vectors of viruses have never been described before. Properties
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