EMLSAG00000011218, EMLSAG00000011218-693984 (gene) Lepeophtheirus salmonis
Associated RNAi Experiments
Nothing found Homology
BLAST of EMLSAG00000011218 vs. C. finmarchicus
Match: gi|592829400|gb|GAXK01128144.1| (TSA: Calanus finmarchicus comp5685985_c0_seq1 transcribed RNA sequence) HSP 1 Score: 53.9138 bits (128), Expect = 1.491e-9 Identity = 33/93 (35.48%), Postives = 45/93 (48.39%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 1 KHYLAIVDRYSNLLLVHKF---------------------PSTPTSKPRTSIDSIETQNFFARWGIALRLSSLLFPQSNGLAESVIKSIKAPV 72 ++YLA+ DRYSN + + K P +S + + ET+NF RWGI+ R+SS FPQSN AE +KS K V Sbjct: 270 RNYLAMADRYSNWISLFKLVKDDAYNLLQALRDYSTCFGIPRRLSSDGASIFTAAETENFCKRWGISQRISSSYFPQSNKRAEVAVKSCKRMV 548
BLAST of EMLSAG00000011218 vs. C. finmarchicus
Match: gi|592935978|gb|GAXK01022575.1| (TSA: Calanus finmarchicus comp7731694_c0_seq1 transcribed RNA sequence) HSP 1 Score: 48.1358 bits (113), Expect = 1.002e-7 Identity = 30/90 (33.33%), Postives = 42/90 (46.67%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 1 KHYLAIVDRYSNLLLVHKF---------------------PSTPTSKPRTSIDSIETQNFFARWGIALRLSSLLFPQSNGLAESVIKSIK 69 K YLA VDRYSN L + + P T T+ + S E +++ RWGI R+SS +P++N AE +KS K Sbjct: 10 KSYLATVDRYSNWLSIFQLARDDSANIIKTIRDFASCWGVPLTMTTDGASVFTSKEMEDWLQRWGITHRISSYYYPRANKRAEVAVKSAK 279
BLAST of EMLSAG00000011218 vs. C. finmarchicus
Match: gi|592857974|gb|GAXK01099588.1| (TSA: Calanus finmarchicus comp2303658_c0_seq2 transcribed RNA sequence) HSP 1 Score: 50.0618 bits (118), Expect = 1.835e-7 Identity = 32/90 (35.56%), Postives = 42/90 (46.67%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 1 KHYLAIVDRYSNLLLVHKFPSTPTSK---------------PRTSID------SIETQNFFARWGIALRLSSLLFPQSNGLAESVIKSIK 69 ++YLA+ DRYSN L + K P + R S D S ET F RWGI+ R+ S +P+SN AE +KS K Sbjct: 938 RNYLAMADRYSNWLSLFKLPEDDSKHLIQVIRDYSSYFGIPKRLSSDGASIFTSTETDTFCKRWGISQRIGSSYYPESNKRAEVAVKSCK 1207
BLAST of EMLSAG00000011218 vs. C. finmarchicus
Match: gi|592857975|gb|GAXK01099587.1| (TSA: Calanus finmarchicus comp2303658_c0_seq1 transcribed RNA sequence) HSP 1 Score: 50.0618 bits (118), Expect = 1.843e-7 Identity = 32/90 (35.56%), Postives = 42/90 (46.67%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 1 KHYLAIVDRYSNLLLVHKFPSTPTSK---------------PRTSID------SIETQNFFARWGIALRLSSLLFPQSNGLAESVIKSIK 69 ++YLA+ DRYSN L + K P + R S D S ET F RWGI+ R+ S +P+SN AE +KS K Sbjct: 938 RNYLAMADRYSNWLSLFKLPEDDSKHLIQVIRDYSSYFGIPKRLSSDGASIFTSTETDTFCKRWGISQRIGSSYYPESNKRAEVAVKSCK 1207
BLAST of EMLSAG00000011218 vs. C. finmarchicus
Match: gi|592867352|gb|GAXK01090210.1| (TSA: Calanus finmarchicus comp4045122_c0_seq1 transcribed RNA sequence) HSP 1 Score: 45.0542 bits (105), Expect = 1.183e-6 Identity = 30/90 (33.33%), Postives = 45/90 (50.00%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 1 KHYLAIVDRYSNLLLVHKFPSTPTSKPRTSI-----------------DSI----ETQNFFARWGIALRLSSLLFPQSNGLAESVIKSIK 69 K YL IVDRYSN L + + P+ +S+ ++ DS+ E +++ RW + RLSS +P+SN AE +KS K Sbjct: 70 KSYLVIVDRYSNWLSLFQLPNDNSSQVIKTLRNYFTTWGVARSFSSDGDSVFTSRELRDWLQRWDVDQRLSSSYYPRSNKRAEVAVKSGK 339
BLAST of EMLSAG00000011218 vs. C. finmarchicus
Match: gi|592887294|gb|GAXK01071081.1| (TSA: Calanus finmarchicus comp6475906_c0_seq1 transcribed RNA sequence) HSP 1 Score: 41.5874 bits (96), Expect = 1.751e-5 Identity = 30/94 (31.91%), Postives = 42/94 (44.68%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 1 KHYLAIVDRYSNLL---------------LVHKFPSTPTSKPRTSID------SIETQNFFARWGIALRLSSLLFPQSNGLAESVIKSIKAPVL 73 K YL +VDRYSN L ++ + +T S D S E + + RW + RLSS FP+SN AE +KS K ++ Sbjct: 40 KSYLVVVDRYSNWLSLFQLTRDTSANVIKVLRDYFTTWGVAQSISTDGDKVFTSEELRTWLKRWDVYQRLSSAYFPRSNKRAEVAVKSGKRMIM 321
BLAST of EMLSAG00000011218 vs. C. finmarchicus
Match: gi|592790961|gb|GAXK01163607.1| (TSA: Calanus finmarchicus comp6733688_c0_seq1 transcribed RNA sequence) HSP 1 Score: 41.5874 bits (96), Expect = 5.405e-5 Identity = 17/35 (48.57%), Postives = 23/35 (65.71%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 35 ETQNFFARWGIALRLSSLLFPQSNGLAESVIKSIK 69 +T+NF WG+ RLSS+ FP SN AE +K +K Sbjct: 21 DTENFLKAWGVHHRLSSVAFPHSNCRAELAVKQVK 125
BLAST of EMLSAG00000011218 vs. C. finmarchicus
Match: gi|592812664|gb|GAXK01141904.1| (TSA: Calanus finmarchicus comp2753032_c0_seq1 transcribed RNA sequence) HSP 1 Score: 39.6614 bits (91), Expect = 4.568e-4 Identity = 28/89 (31.46%), Postives = 40/89 (44.94%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 2 HYLAIVDRYSNLLLVHKFPS---------------------TPTSKPRTSIDSIETQNFFARWGIALRLSSLLFPQSNGLAESVIKSIK 69 +YLA+VDRYS L + + P T TS + S ++F RWGI R+++ PQ+N AE +KS K Sbjct: 1614 NYLAVVDRYSQWLSIFQLPKDDSEEVVKVLREYIGTFGIPCTLTSDGASVFTSKFMESFCDRWGIIHRVATAYNPQANKRAEVAVKSAK 1880
BLAST of EMLSAG00000011218 vs. C. finmarchicus
Match: gi|592899025|gb|GAXK01059350.1| (TSA: Calanus finmarchicus comp5785857_c0_seq1 transcribed RNA sequence) HSP 1 Score: 37.7354 bits (86), Expect = 1.544e-3 Identity = 18/37 (48.65%), Postives = 21/37 (56.76%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 33 SIETQNFFARWGIALRLSSLLFPQSNGLAESVIKSIK 69 S E F RWG R+SS FP+SN AE +KS K Sbjct: 613 SAEMAEFRTRWGFKQRISSAYFPRSNKRAEVGVKSAK 723
BLAST of EMLSAG00000011218 vs. C. finmarchicus
Match: gi|592861562|gb|GAXK01096000.1| (TSA: Calanus finmarchicus comp7493218_c0_seq1 transcribed RNA sequence) HSP 1 Score: 35.8094 bits (81), Expect = 2.529e-3 Identity = 16/34 (47.06%), Postives = 21/34 (61.76%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 36 TQNFFARWGIALRLSSLLFPQSNGLAESVIKSIK 69 T+NF R G+ RLSS+ FP SN AE + + K Sbjct: 1 TENFLVRLGVHHRLSSVGFPHSNQKAEKAVGAAK 102
BLAST of EMLSAG00000011218 vs. L. salmonis peptides
Match: EMLSAP00000011218 (pep:novel supercontig:LSalAtl2s:LSalAtl2s768:187911:188209:-1 gene:EMLSAG00000011218 transcript:EMLSAT00000011218 description:"maker-LSalAtl2s768-snap-gene-1.12") HSP 1 Score: 159.073 bits (401), Expect = 6.231e-52 Identity = 78/78 (100.00%), Postives = 78/78 (100.00%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 1 KHYLAIVDRYSNLLLVHKFPSTPTSKPRTSIDSIETQNFFARWGIALRLSSLLFPQSNGLAESVIKSIKAPVLKTWTT 78 KHYLAIVDRYSNLLLVHKFPSTPTSKPRTSIDSIETQNFFARWGIALRLSSLLFPQSNGLAESVIKSIKAPVLKTWTT Sbjct: 1 KHYLAIVDRYSNLLLVHKFPSTPTSKPRTSIDSIETQNFFARWGIALRLSSLLFPQSNGLAESVIKSIKAPVLKTWTT 78
BLAST of EMLSAG00000011218 vs. L. salmonis peptides
Match: EMLSAP00000002862 (pep:novel supercontig:LSalAtl2s:LSalAtl2s16595:2:760:1 gene:EMLSAG00000002862 transcript:EMLSAT00000002862 description:"augustus-LSalAtl2s16595-processed-gene-0.0") HSP 1 Score: 102.064 bits (253), Expect = 6.362e-28 Identity = 59/100 (59.00%), Postives = 62/100 (62.00%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 1 KHYLAIVDRYSNLLLVHKFPSTPTSKPRTS----------------------IDSIETQNFFARWGIALRLSSLLFPQSNGLAESVIKSIKAPVLKTWTT 78 KHYLAIVDRYSN LLVHKF S PTSK S + ETQNFFARWGIA RLSS FPQSNGLAES +KSIKA +LKT T Sbjct: 21 KHYLAIVDRYSNFLLVHKFSSAPTSKSLISSLLHHIATFGRPLRIFSDGGLQFTAAETQNFFARWGIAHRLSSPHFPQSNGLAESAVKSIKALLLKTGNT 120
BLAST of EMLSAG00000011218 vs. L. salmonis peptides
Match: EMLSAP00000006569 (pep:novel supercontig:LSalAtl2s:LSalAtl2s35:845590:849230:1 gene:EMLSAG00000006569 transcript:EMLSAT00000006569 description:"snap_masked-LSalAtl2s35-processed-gene-8.19") HSP 1 Score: 51.2174 bits (121), Expect = 4.881e-10 Identity = 28/51 (54.90%), Postives = 32/51 (62.75%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 28 RTSIDSIETQNFFARWGIALRLSSLLFPQSNGLAESVIKSIKAPVLKTWTT 78 R E QN FARWGI+ R+SS F QS LAES +KSIKA +LK T Sbjct: 11 RVEFIGTEIQNLFARWGISHRVSSPHFCQSIRLAESAVKSIKARLLKAGNT 61
BLAST of EMLSAG00000011218 vs. Tigriopus kingsejongenis genes
Match: snap_masked-scaffold374_size191929-processed-gene-0.10 (protein:Tk01257 transcript:snap_masked-scaffold374_size191929-processed-gene-0.10-mRNA-1 annotation:"PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein K02A2.6-like") HSP 1 Score: 51.6026 bits (122), Expect = 7.348e-11 Identity = 23/41 (56.10%), Postives = 30/41 (73.17%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 35 ETQNFFARWGIALRLSSLLFPQSNGLAESVIKSIKAPVLKT 75 ETQ F WG+ RLS+ +PQSNGLAES +K++K +LKT Sbjct: 11 ETQTFLVDWGVRHRLSTAHYPQSNGLAESAVKALKHLLLKT 51
BLAST of EMLSAG00000011218 vs. Tigriopus kingsejongenis genes
Match: maker-scaffold531_size145796-snap-gene-0.25 (protein:Tk12612 transcript:maker-scaffold531_size145796-snap-gene-0.25-mRNA-1 annotation:"poly protein") HSP 1 Score: 50.8322 bits (120), Expect = 1.096e-9 Identity = 23/36 (63.89%), Postives = 29/36 (80.56%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 40 FARWGIALRLSSLLFPQSNGLAESVIKSIKAPVLKT 75 F +WG+ RLS+ FPQSNGLAES +K+IKA +LKT Sbjct: 16 FPQWGVRHRLSTAEFPQSNGLAESAVKAIKAFLLKT 51
BLAST of EMLSAG00000011218 vs. Tigriopus kingsejongenis genes
Match: maker-scaffold531_size145796-snap-gene-0.24 (protein:Tk12611 transcript:maker-scaffold531_size145796-snap-gene-0.24-mRNA-1 annotation:"---NA---") HSP 1 Score: 50.8322 bits (120), Expect = 1.096e-9 Identity = 23/36 (63.89%), Postives = 29/36 (80.56%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 40 FARWGIALRLSSLLFPQSNGLAESVIKSIKAPVLKT 75 F +WG+ RLS+ FPQSNGLAES +K+IKA +LKT Sbjct: 16 FPQWGVRHRLSTAEFPQSNGLAESAVKAIKAFLLKT 51
BLAST of EMLSAG00000011218 vs. Tigriopus kingsejongenis genes
Match: maker-scaffold1225_size54570-snap-gene-0.8 (protein:Tk06437 transcript:maker-scaffold1225_size54570-snap-gene-0.8-mRNA-1 annotation:"poly protein") HSP 1 Score: 45.4394 bits (106), Expect = 1.070e-7 Identity = 21/41 (51.22%), Postives = 30/41 (73.17%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 35 ETQNFFARWGIALRLSSLLFPQSNGLAESVIKSIKAPVLKT 75 E Q+F G+ RLS+ +P SNGLAESV+K++K+ +LKT Sbjct: 34 EIQHFLVHLGVCHRLSTANYPLSNGLAESVVKTLKSLLLKT 74
BLAST of EMLSAG00000011218 vs. Tigriopus kingsejongenis genes
Match: maker-scaffold1752_size28949-snap-gene-0.4 (protein:Tk00995 transcript:maker-scaffold1752_size28949-snap-gene-0.4-mRNA-1 annotation:"PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein K02A2.6-like") HSP 1 Score: 44.2838 bits (103), Expect = 4.017e-7 Identity = 31/96 (32.29%), Postives = 41/96 (42.71%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 2 HYLAIVDRYSNLLLVHKFPSTPTSKPRTSI----------------------DSIETQNFFARWGIALRLSSLLFPQSNGLAESVIKSIKAPVLKT 75 HYL VDRYS +V FPS P+S T + + E + F WG+ + SS QSNG AE +K +K + KT Sbjct: 77 HYLVYVDRYSGFPMVAMFPSAPSSSDVTKVLRSLFSLMGVPQVLRSDQGPQYRTEEIRIFLKEWGVLWKPSSPYNAQSNGHAEVSVKVVKRLLQKT 172 The following BLAST results are available for this feature:
BLAST of EMLSAG00000011218 vs. GO
Analysis Date: 2014-04-02 (Blast vs. GO) Total hits: 0
BLAST of EMLSAG00000011218 vs. C. finmarchicus
Analysis Date: 2014-05-09 (TblastN vs C. finmarchicus TSA) Total hits: 19
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BLAST of EMLSAG00000011218 vs. L. salmonis peptides
Analysis Date: 2014-05-10 (Blastp vs. self) Total hits: 3
BLAST of EMLSAG00000011218 vs. SwissProt
Analysis Date: 2017-02-10 (Blastp vs. SwissProt) Total hits: 0
BLAST of EMLSAG00000011218 vs. Select Arthropod Genomes
Analysis Date: 2017-02-20 (Blastp vs. Selected Arthropods) Total hits: 0
BLAST of EMLSAG00000011218 vs. nr
Analysis Date: 2017-02-20 (Blastp vs. NR (2/2017)) Total hits: 0
BLAST of EMLSAG00000011218 vs. Tigriopus kingsejongenis genes
Analysis Date: 2018-04-18 (Blastp vs. Tigriopus kingsejongensis proteins) Total hits: 5
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gene from alignment at LSalAtl2s768:187911..188209- Legend: mRNA Hold the cursor over a type above to highlight its positions in the sequence below.>EMLSAG00000011218-693984 ID=EMLSAG00000011218-693984|Name=EMLSAG00000011218|organism=Lepeophtheirus salmonis|type=gene|length=299bp|location=Sequence derived from alignment at LSalAtl2s768:187911..188209- (Lepeophtheirus salmonis)back to top Add to Basket