EMLSAG00000002145, EMLSAG00000002145-684911 (gene) Lepeophtheirus salmonis
Associated RNAi Experiments
Nothing found Homology
BLAST of EMLSAG00000002145 vs. C. finmarchicus
Match: gi|592757930|gb|GAXK01196483.1| (TSA: Calanus finmarchicus comp577599_c0_seq2 transcribed RNA sequence) HSP 1 Score: 33.8834 bits (76), Expect = 3.643e-1 Identity = 19/51 (37.25%), Postives = 31/51 (60.78%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 35 TRVDTNVKKASHAILNE--LKPIFGVQKDCELEIINIDNVQSNIDPEDRVF 83 T V+T+VK S ++ E +KP +++ LE IN+D +S DP+D+ F Sbjct: 52 TSVETSVKTLSGILVEEEEVKPKGNTKRNMTLEEINVDKTESKEDPKDKRF 204
BLAST of EMLSAG00000002145 vs. C. finmarchicus
Match: gi|592757931|gb|GAXK01196482.1| (TSA: Calanus finmarchicus comp577599_c0_seq1 transcribed RNA sequence) HSP 1 Score: 33.8834 bits (76), Expect = 3.646e-1 Identity = 19/51 (37.25%), Postives = 31/51 (60.78%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 35 TRVDTNVKKASHAILNE--LKPIFGVQKDCELEIINIDNVQSNIDPEDRVF 83 T V+T+VK S ++ E +KP +++ LE IN+D +S DP+D+ F Sbjct: 52 TSVETSVKTLSGILVEEEEVKPKGNTKRNMTLEEINVDKTESKEDPKDKRF 204
BLAST of EMLSAG00000002145 vs. C. finmarchicus
Match: gi|592811546|gb|GAXK01143022.1| (TSA: Calanus finmarchicus comp5783865_c0_seq1 transcribed RNA sequence) HSP 1 Score: 30.4166 bits (67), Expect = 2.695e+0 Identity = 19/52 (36.54%), Postives = 28/52 (53.85%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 44 ASHAILNELKPIF--GVQKDCELEIINIDNVQSNIDPEDRVFKMDLLLLSSS 93 A ILN +F +Q+DC +I NV SNI + +FK+ +LLS + Sbjct: 195 AILTILNVFNCLFEISIQQDCLFIFFSIFNVCSNILLKLNIFKLSWMLLSDT 350
BLAST of EMLSAG00000002145 vs. C. finmarchicus
Match: gi|592929017|gb|GAXK01029528.1| (TSA: Calanus finmarchicus comp150073_c2_seq12 transcribed RNA sequence) HSP 1 Score: 30.8018 bits (68), Expect = 2.856e+0 Identity = 12/26 (46.15%), Postives = 19/26 (73.08%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 61 DCELEIINIDNVQSNIDPEDRVFKMD 86 DC LE++N+ VQ +I P R+FK++ Sbjct: 624 DCNLELVNVFLVQRDIHPLTRIFKLN 701
BLAST of EMLSAG00000002145 vs. C. finmarchicus
Match: gi|592929018|gb|GAXK01029527.1| (TSA: Calanus finmarchicus comp150073_c2_seq11 transcribed RNA sequence) HSP 1 Score: 30.8018 bits (68), Expect = 2.897e+0 Identity = 12/26 (46.15%), Postives = 19/26 (73.08%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 61 DCELEIINIDNVQSNIDPEDRVFKMD 86 DC LE++N+ VQ +I P R+FK++ Sbjct: 624 DCNLELVNVFLVQRDIHPLTRIFKLN 701
BLAST of EMLSAG00000002145 vs. C. finmarchicus
Match: gi|592929019|gb|GAXK01029526.1| (TSA: Calanus finmarchicus comp150073_c2_seq10 transcribed RNA sequence) HSP 1 Score: 30.8018 bits (68), Expect = 3.006e+0 Identity = 12/26 (46.15%), Postives = 19/26 (73.08%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 61 DCELEIINIDNVQSNIDPEDRVFKMD 86 DC LE++N+ VQ +I P R+FK++ Sbjct: 624 DCNLELVNVFLVQRDIHPLTRIFKLN 701
BLAST of EMLSAG00000002145 vs. L. salmonis peptides
BLAST of EMLSAG00000002145 vs. L. salmonis peptides
Match: EMLSAP00000004427 (pep:novel supercontig:LSalAtl2s:LSalAtl2s231:166619:167331:1 gene:EMLSAG00000004427 transcript:EMLSAT00000004427 description:"maker-LSalAtl2s231-augustus-gene-1.7") HSP 1 Score: 70.8626 bits (172), Expect = 7.892e-16 Identity = 42/113 (37.17%), Postives = 57/113 (50.44%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 67 INIDNVQSNIDPEDRVFKMD---LLLLSSSTNGSCGLHIKNCLDVQIHMNEGISYELELQVEVESDLTDCPYKFKNCNGVKVFQPYPNLCPNKKFCLLPQNLEKTTCISIIDS 176 + I + Q DPE + ++ L T+ +C L+IK+ + YELELQVE DC Y KNC ++V QP NLCP +FCL P+NL C+ II S Sbjct: 26 VPIKSTQDVSDPEIQKVALETTKFLYHLFDTSKACPLYIKDVIXATKQSFPSTVYELELQVETNGADFDCDYVLKNCANIQVQQPPTNLCPGNQFCLFPENLNNINCVDIILS 138
BLAST of EMLSAG00000002145 vs. L. salmonis peptides
Match: EMLSAP00000002144 (pep:novel supercontig:LSalAtl2s:LSalAtl2s139:1454355:1455102:1 gene:EMLSAG00000002144 transcript:EMLSAT00000002144 description:"maker-LSalAtl2s139-augustus-gene-14.23") HSP 1 Score: 69.3218 bits (168), Expect = 2.466e-15 Identity = 32/77 (41.56%), Postives = 46/77 (59.74%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 97 SCGLHIKNCLDVQIHMNEGISYELELQVEVESDLTDCPYKFKNCNGVKVFQPYPNLCPNKKFCLLPQNLEKTTCISI 173 +C L++K+ + + YELELQVE DC Y FKNC ++V +P NLCP +FCL+P+NL+ C+ I Sbjct: 59 ACPLYVKDVIQAKKQSFPSTVYELELQVETNGADFDCDYVFKNCANIRVQEPPINLCPGNQFCLIPENLKGIDCVDI 135
BLAST of EMLSAG00000002145 vs. L. salmonis peptides
Match: EMLSAP00000002147 (pep:novel supercontig:LSalAtl2s:LSalAtl2s139:1478126:1479135:-1 gene:EMLSAG00000002147 transcript:EMLSAT00000002147 description:"maker-LSalAtl2s139-augustus-gene-14.29") HSP 1 Score: 68.9366 bits (167), Expect = 8.947e-15 Identity = 33/81 (40.74%), Postives = 50/81 (61.73%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 94 TNGSCGLHIKNCLDVQIHM-NEGISYELELQVEVESDLTDCPYKFKNCNGVKVFQPYPNLCPNKKFCLLPQNLEKTTCISI 173 T +C +H++ + + + ++ I+YE+ELQVE DC Y KNC+ VK+ QP +LCP KKFCL+P L + C+ I Sbjct: 157 TTNACPIHLREVVRAKRQLISDSINYEIELQVETNGADFDCEYVHKNCDNVKLHQPPLHLCPGKKFCLIPVKLNEINCVEI 237
BLAST of EMLSAG00000002145 vs. L. salmonis peptides
Match: EMLSAP00000002146 (pep:novel supercontig:LSalAtl2s:LSalAtl2s139:1473318:1476139:1 gene:EMLSAG00000002146 transcript:EMLSAT00000002146 description:"snap_masked-LSalAtl2s139-processed-gene-14.16") HSP 1 Score: 64.6994 bits (156), Expect = 3.681e-13 Identity = 32/79 (40.51%), Postives = 45/79 (56.96%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 94 TNGSCGLHIKNCLDVQIHMNEGISYELELQVEVESDLTDCPYKFKNCNGVKVFQPYPNLCP-NKKFCLLPQNLEKTTCI 171 T C LH+ L M+ GI+Y L+++VE C ++ K+C V++ QP P+LCP K FCL+P NL TCI Sbjct: 183 TTHPCPLHVTKILHASEQMDHGINYLLDIEVETNEIDFYCEHEVKHCKSVQLHQPSPHLCPFGKHFCLIPTNLNDVTCI 261
BLAST of EMLSAG00000002145 vs. L. salmonis peptides
Match: EMLSAP00000007005 (pep:novel supercontig:LSalAtl2s:LSalAtl2s398:305820:307985:1 gene:EMLSAG00000007005 transcript:EMLSAT00000007005 description:"maker-LSalAtl2s398-snap-gene-3.25") HSP 1 Score: 56.225 bits (134), Expect = 7.532e-10 Identity = 30/91 (32.97%), Postives = 49/91 (53.85%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 94 TNGSCGLHIKNCLDVQIHMNEGISYELELQVEVESDLTDCPYKFKNCNGVKVFQPYPNLCPNKK-FCLLPQNLEKTTCISIIDSILFTTPL 183 T+ C LH+ + + G +YELE+QVE DC + KNC V+V +P CP+++ C++P L+ CI +++I TP+ Sbjct: 167 TSNPCPLHLVEVIRAKQQAVMGFNYELEIQVETNGADFDCEHIIKNCENVRVHEPIAEFCPHEEPSCVVPVRLQDVDCIE-VNTIFNETPI 256 HSP 2 Score: 46.9802 bits (110), Expect = 9.504e-7 Identity = 27/78 (34.62%), Postives = 39/78 (50.00%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 94 TNGSCGLHIKNCLDVQIHMNEGISYELELQVEVESDLTDCPYKFKNCNGVKVFQPYPNLCP-NKKFCLLPQNLEKTTC 170 TN +C +H+ D QI N Y +E Q+E C KNC V+V + P LCP N C++P+ L++ C Sbjct: 384 TNIACQVHVN---DAQILKNVNDVYHMEFQLETRKSEEGCKSIKKNCKNVRVREIKPQLCPHNNPICIVPEQLDEVEC 458
BLAST of EMLSAG00000002145 vs. L. salmonis peptides
Match: EMLSAP00000002142 (pep:novel supercontig:LSalAtl2s:LSalAtl2s139:1427481:1429315:-1 gene:EMLSAG00000002142 transcript:EMLSAT00000002142 description:"snap_masked-LSalAtl2s139-processed-gene-14.19") HSP 1 Score: 48.9062 bits (115), Expect = 1.941e-7 Identity = 21/77 (27.27%), Postives = 45/77 (58.44%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 94 TNGSCGLHIKNCLDVQIHMNEGISYELELQVEVESDLTDCPYKFKNCNGVKVFQPYPNLCPNKKFCLLPQNLEKTTC 170 T+ +C +H++ + + +G +Y+LE+QVE + +C Y K C+ + V +P + +++ C+LP +L++ C Sbjct: 173 TSSACPIHLREVVQASEQIVDGTNYKLEIQVETDGANFECEYVQKQCSNIIVHEPLAHCPHDEEDCILPVDLQEVEC 249 The following BLAST results are available for this feature:
BLAST of EMLSAG00000002145 vs. GO
Analysis Date: 2014-04-02 (Blast vs. GO) Total hits: 0
BLAST of EMLSAG00000002145 vs. C. finmarchicus
Analysis Date: 2014-05-09 (TblastN vs C. finmarchicus TSA) Total hits: 6
BLAST of EMLSAG00000002145 vs. L. salmonis peptides
Analysis Date: 2014-05-10 (Blastp vs. self) Total hits: 7
BLAST of EMLSAG00000002145 vs. SwissProt
Analysis Date: 2017-02-10 (Blastp vs. SwissProt) Total hits: 0
BLAST of EMLSAG00000002145 vs. Select Arthropod Genomes
Analysis Date: 2017-02-20 (Blastp vs. Selected Arthropods) Total hits: 0
BLAST of EMLSAG00000002145 vs. nr
Analysis Date: 2017-02-20 (Blastp vs. NR (2/2017)) Total hits: 0
BLAST of EMLSAG00000002145 vs. Tigriopus kingsejongenis genes
Analysis Date: 2018-04-18 (Blastp vs. Tigriopus kingsejongensis proteins) Total hits: 0
The following features are aligned
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gene from alignment at LSalAtl2s139:1460230..1461759- Legend: mRNA Hold the cursor over a type above to highlight its positions in the sequence below.>EMLSAG00000002145-684911 ID=EMLSAG00000002145-684911|Name=EMLSAG00000002145|organism=Lepeophtheirus salmonis|type=gene|length=1530bp|location=Sequence derived from alignment at LSalAtl2s139:1460230..1461759- (Lepeophtheirus salmonis)back to top Add to Basket