EMLSAG00000000142, EMLSAG00000000142-682908 (gene) Lepeophtheirus salmonis
Associated RNAi Experiments
Nothing found Homology
BLAST of EMLSAG00000000142 vs. C. finmarchicus
Match: gi|592776582|gb|GAXK01177986.1| (TSA: Calanus finmarchicus comp14511_c2_seq14 transcribed RNA sequence) HSP 1 Score: 29.261 bits (64), Expect = 1.380e+0 Identity = 14/52 (26.92%), Postives = 21/52 (40.38%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 5 FCAPGCGTGYDN----EPQQSGVKIHLWPNKERNPGLDTAWLRAITRETDLK 52 P Y N EPQ+ + + WP NP D +W +A+ +K Sbjct: 94 LLTPLASLKYPNSPQYEPQEFLMTQYFWPFSSPNPITDMSWFKALALVRSVK 249
BLAST of EMLSAG00000000142 vs. C. finmarchicus
Match: gi|592776590|gb|GAXK01177978.1| (TSA: Calanus finmarchicus comp14511_c2_seq6 transcribed RNA sequence) HSP 1 Score: 29.261 bits (64), Expect = 1.635e+0 Identity = 14/52 (26.92%), Postives = 21/52 (40.38%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 5 FCAPGCGTGYDN----EPQQSGVKIHLWPNKERNPGLDTAWLRAITRETDLK 52 P Y N EPQ+ + + WP NP D +W +A+ +K Sbjct: 373 LLTPLASLKYPNSPQYEPQEFLMTQYFWPFSSPNPITDMSWFKALALVRSVK 528
BLAST of EMLSAG00000000142 vs. C. finmarchicus
Match: gi|592776576|gb|GAXK01177992.1| (TSA: Calanus finmarchicus comp14511_c5_seq5 transcribed RNA sequence) HSP 1 Score: 28.8758 bits (63), Expect = 2.027e+0 Identity = 14/52 (26.92%), Postives = 21/52 (40.38%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 5 FCAPGCGTGYDN----EPQQSGVKIHLWPNKERNPGLDTAWLRAITRETDLK 52 P Y N EPQ+ + + WP NP D +W +A+ +K Sbjct: 235 LLTPLASLKYPNSPQYEPQEFLMTQYFWPFSSPNPITDMSWFKALALVRSVK 390
BLAST of EMLSAG00000000142 vs. C. finmarchicus
Match: gi|592776577|gb|GAXK01177991.1| (TSA: Calanus finmarchicus comp14511_c5_seq4 transcribed RNA sequence) HSP 1 Score: 28.8758 bits (63), Expect = 2.040e+0 Identity = 14/52 (26.92%), Postives = 21/52 (40.38%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 5 FCAPGCGTGYDN----EPQQSGVKIHLWPNKERNPGLDTAWLRAITRETDLK 52 P Y N EPQ+ + + WP NP D +W +A+ +K Sbjct: 235 LLTPLASLKYPNSPQYEPQEFLMTQYFWPFSSPNPITDMSWFKALALVRSVK 390
BLAST of EMLSAG00000000142 vs. C. finmarchicus
Match: gi|592776587|gb|GAXK01177981.1| (TSA: Calanus finmarchicus comp14511_c2_seq9 transcribed RNA sequence) HSP 1 Score: 28.8758 bits (63), Expect = 2.220e+0 Identity = 11/36 (30.56%), Postives = 18/36 (50.00%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 17 EPQQSGVKIHLWPNKERNPGLDTAWLRAITRETDLK 52 EPQ+ + + WP NP D +W +A+ +K Sbjct: 373 EPQEFLMTQYFWPFSSPNPITDMSWFKALALVRSVK 480
BLAST of EMLSAG00000000142 vs. C. finmarchicus
Match: gi|592750899|gb|GAXK01203514.1| (TSA: Calanus finmarchicus comp3072168_c0_seq2 transcribed RNA sequence) HSP 1 Score: 28.1054 bits (61), Expect = 4.459e+0 Identity = 22/69 (31.88%), Postives = 27/69 (39.13%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 25 IHLWPNKERNPGLDTAWLRAITRETDLKKMDQAPSKSTKLRSLHFNDSDFICESKRSQTLGKALKKRCD 93 +HLW L W R R TD MD S+HF F+C S SQ+ K L + D Sbjct: 957 LHLW--------LAPDWGRTGGRGTDHSMMD*GEDFLNLKHSVHFVHESFLCVSS-SQSFDKILSDKYD 1136
BLAST of EMLSAG00000000142 vs. C. finmarchicus
Match: gi|592750900|gb|GAXK01203513.1| (TSA: Calanus finmarchicus comp3072168_c0_seq1 transcribed RNA sequence) HSP 1 Score: 28.1054 bits (61), Expect = 4.461e+0 Identity = 22/69 (31.88%), Postives = 27/69 (39.13%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 25 IHLWPNKERNPGLDTAWLRAITRETDLKKMDQAPSKSTKLRSLHFNDSDFICESKRSQTLGKALKKRCD 93 +HLW L W R R TD MD S+HF F+C S SQ+ K L + D Sbjct: 957 LHLW--------LAPDWGRTGGRGTDHSMMD*GEDFLNLKHSVHFVHESFLCVSS-SQSFDKILSDKYD 1136
BLAST of EMLSAG00000000142 vs. C. finmarchicus
Match: gi|592908187|gb|GAXK01050188.1| (TSA: Calanus finmarchicus comp30162_c3_seq7 transcribed RNA sequence) HSP 1 Score: 28.1054 bits (61), Expect = 4.600e+0 Identity = 16/45 (35.56%), Postives = 25/45 (55.56%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 18 PQQSGVKIHLWPNKERNPGLDTAWLRAITRETDLKKMDQAPSKST 62 P +G+KIH R+P + + R++ DLK+ DQ+PS S Sbjct: 127 PSVNGLKIH------RHPA*NRVFDRSLISGNDLKQ*DQSPSFSN 243
BLAST of EMLSAG00000000142 vs. C. finmarchicus
Match: gi|592908191|gb|GAXK01050184.1| (TSA: Calanus finmarchicus comp30162_c3_seq3 transcribed RNA sequence) HSP 1 Score: 28.1054 bits (61), Expect = 4.805e+0 Identity = 16/45 (35.56%), Postives = 25/45 (55.56%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 18 PQQSGVKIHLWPNKERNPGLDTAWLRAITRETDLKKMDQAPSKST 62 P +G+KIH R+P + + R++ DLK+ DQ+PS S Sbjct: 127 PSVNGLKIH------RHPA*NRVFDRSLISGNDLKQ*DQSPSFSN 243
BLAST of EMLSAG00000000142 vs. C. finmarchicus
Match: gi|592908196|gb|GAXK01050179.1| (TSA: Calanus finmarchicus comp30162_c0_seq1 transcribed RNA sequence) HSP 1 Score: 27.7202 bits (60), Expect = 6.415e+0 Identity = 16/44 (36.36%), Postives = 25/44 (56.82%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 18 PQQSGVKIHLWPNKERNPGLDTAWLRAITRETDLKKMDQAPSKS 61 P +G+KIH R+P + + R++ DLK+ DQ+PS S Sbjct: 1384 PSVNGLKIH------RHPA*NRVFDRSLISGNDLKQWDQSPSFS 1497
BLAST of EMLSAG00000000142 vs. L. salmonis peptides
BLAST of EMLSAG00000000142 vs. L. salmonis peptides
Match: EMLSAP00000002611 (pep:novel supercontig:LSalAtl2s:LSalAtl2s151:424347:426407:1 gene:EMLSAG00000002611 transcript:EMLSAT00000002611 description:"augustus-LSalAtl2s151-processed-gene-4.1") HSP 1 Score: 59.3066 bits (142), Expect = 1.434e-11 Identity = 31/78 (39.74%), Postives = 48/78 (61.54%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 1 MATKFCAPGCGTGYDNEPQQSGVKIHLWPNKERNPGLDTAWLRAITRETDLKKMDQAPSKSTKLRSLHFNDSDFICES 78 M K C P C +GYD +P + + +H +P + + G AWLRAI R+++ APSK +++ SLHF++ DF+ ES Sbjct: 138 MPNKCCVPKCTSGYDGKPSIARLSLHSFPLDKSSKG---AWLRAIPRDSN---GTWAPSKYSRVCSLHFHEDDFVYES 209
BLAST of EMLSAG00000000142 vs. L. salmonis peptides
Match: EMLSAP00000010046 (pep:novel supercontig:LSalAtl2s:LSalAtl2s661:385852:386678:-1 gene:EMLSAG00000010046 transcript:EMLSAT00000010046 description:"augustus-LSalAtl2s661-processed-gene-2.10") HSP 1 Score: 52.373 bits (124), Expect = 9.892e-10 Identity = 30/80 (37.50%), Postives = 44/80 (55.00%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 1 MATKFCAPGCGTGYDNEPQQSGVKIHLWP--NKERNPGLDTAWLRAITRETDLKKMDQAPSKSTKLRSLHFNDSDFICES 78 M K APGC GYD+ P+ + V H++P N N L++ W AI R+ +K+++L SLHF +SD+I S Sbjct: 1 MGWKCSAPGCRQGYDDTPKNTTVLFHIFPRFNVPPNLELESRWESAIPRQKTF-------TKNSRLCSLHFTESDYITHS 73
BLAST of EMLSAG00000000142 vs. L. salmonis peptides
Match: EMLSAP00000012721 (pep:novel supercontig:LSalAtl2s:LSalAtl2s965:308987:310501:-1 gene:EMLSAG00000012721 transcript:EMLSAT00000012721 description:"augustus-LSalAtl2s965-processed-gene-3.12") HSP 1 Score: 47.7506 bits (112), Expect = 1.129e-7 Identity = 30/96 (31.25%), Postives = 49/96 (51.04%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 1 MATKFCAPGCGTGYDNEPQQSGVKIHLWPNKERNPGLDTAWLRAITRETDLKKMDQAPSKSTKLRSLHFNDSDFICES-----KRSQTLGKALKKR 91 M C P C + Y ++ GV +H++P ++ + AWL A++ + K + PS +++ SLHF+D F+ ES K QT K L +R Sbjct: 1 MPNNCCIPHCKSRYKGYLKRYGVTLHVFP---KDASIKDAWLHAVSSQM---KGEYEPSIYSRVCSLHFDDQSFVNESSDERRKYRQTSSKQLVRR 90
BLAST of EMLSAG00000000142 vs. L. salmonis peptides
Match: EMLSAP00000012818 (pep:novel supercontig:LSalAtl2s:LSalAtl2s977:162868:163832:-1 gene:EMLSAG00000012818 transcript:EMLSAT00000012818 description:"snap-LSalAtl2s977-processed-gene-1.30") HSP 1 Score: 42.743 bits (99), Expect = 5.167e-7 Identity = 19/50 (38.00%), Postives = 30/50 (60.00%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 1 MATKFCAPGCGTGYDNEPQQSGVKIHLWPNKERNPGLDTAWLRAITRETD 50 M K C P C +GYD +P + + +H +P E + G+ WLRAI R+++ Sbjct: 12 MPNKCCVPKCSSGYDGKPAIARLSLHSFPLDESSKGV---WLRAIPRDSN 58 The following BLAST results are available for this feature:
BLAST of EMLSAG00000000142 vs. GO
Analysis Date: 2014-04-02 (Blast vs. GO) Total hits: 0
BLAST of EMLSAG00000000142 vs. C. finmarchicus
Analysis Date: 2014-05-09 (TblastN vs C. finmarchicus TSA) Total hits: 12
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BLAST of EMLSAG00000000142 vs. L. salmonis peptides
Analysis Date: 2014-05-10 (Blastp vs. self) Total hits: 5
BLAST of EMLSAG00000000142 vs. SwissProt
Analysis Date: 2017-02-10 (Blastp vs. SwissProt) Total hits: 0
BLAST of EMLSAG00000000142 vs. Select Arthropod Genomes
Analysis Date: 2017-02-20 (Blastp vs. Selected Arthropods) Total hits: 0
BLAST of EMLSAG00000000142 vs. nr
Analysis Date: 2017-02-20 (Blastp vs. NR (2/2017)) Total hits: 0
BLAST of EMLSAG00000000142 vs. Tigriopus kingsejongenis genes
Analysis Date: 2018-04-18 (Blastp vs. Tigriopus kingsejongensis proteins) Total hits: 0
The following features are aligned
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gene from alignment at LSalAtl2s1021:140193..141338- Legend: mRNA Hold the cursor over a type above to highlight its positions in the sequence below.>EMLSAG00000000142-682908 ID=EMLSAG00000000142-682908|Name=EMLSAG00000000142|organism=Lepeophtheirus salmonis|type=gene|length=1146bp|location=Sequence derived from alignment at LSalAtl2s1021:140193..141338- (Lepeophtheirus salmonis)back to top Add to Basket